When are the Manchester Evening League matches played?

The Evening League matches are played throughout the week and not at the weekend. Matches can start from 7.00pm, and the latest would be 9.00pm.

How frequent are the matches?

Matches are scheduled weekly, and occasionally there can be a ‘BYE’. The League tries not to schedule matches during school holidays, but there are times when matches get re-arranged during the school holiday weeks.

Can I pay as I play?

We try to cater to all players, and setting up a standing order is our preference to make the running of the Club as easy as possible for those who volunteer on the Committee. We are happy to discuss individual circumstances.

Do I need to buy the team kit?

The Club can loan a netball dress.

Is there a mixed team, or is it women only?

At present, the Club only enters women leagues.

How can I join?

Simply fill in the email form on our Join Us page and we will be in touch.

I can't see my question answered here!

If you have a specific question and need more information please email us or contact:

Farrah Jaura, Club Manager on   +44 (0)7977 457 285

Laura Hayward, Assistant Club Manager on   +44 (0)7855 716 845